The Spiny Flower Mantis grows to 1.5 inches in size. This species can be housed together as cannibalism is minimal in this species. gemmatus Males grow to about 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) and females are slightly larger.

Though infrequent, cannibalism among C. germmatus is nevertheless more common th Females can be cannibalistic but males are fairly communal.

Green is the most common color for a praying mantis however, they can also be brown. It sports a coloration that is an excellent example of aggressive mimicry as it forms a camouflage that can lure prey. Devils Flower Mantis Facts. Male and female Spiny Flower Mantids are a bit different physically – females are wider and bigger.

The male also has fewer spines.


There is also a species of mantis called flower mantises, they blend in and look like flowers. When it's hunting, the Spiny Flower Mantis just sits still and waits. Also, of those mantises that mimic flowers, this rather impressive species actually represents the largest known. When a bug flies by or lands on the flower – WHACK! Praying mantis have 5 senses like people. The Hymenopus bicornis is another scientific name for orchid praying mantis.People usually call them by different names precisely due to their uncanny physical appearance. They can turn their hears 180 degrees, that is a half-circle! Asian Flower mantis.C.

Devils Flower Mantis need a lot of space, so its better to increase the size of the enclosure some more.

Females can get up to 5 inches long as adults, while males get around 4 inches long. Fun Fact Friday – Spiny Flower Mantis. For an adult Idolomantis you should provide at least 40 cm in height and 30 cm in width. They prefer a humid environment and live about nine months in captivity.

Species of mantis camouflaged to resemble flowers to lure their prey. Devils Flower Mantis Facts Firstly, the amazing Devil’s Flower Mantis remains one of the largest of all the roughly 2,400 known praying mantis varieties.
T he orchid mantis (Hymenopus coronatus) is a flower-like mantis which is largely found in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia. The flower mantises are crazy; some wildly ornate, others looking so convincing that unsuspecting insects come to collect nectar from them ... Praying mantis in defense mode./CC BY 2.0.

For example, the brilliant coloring and camouflage structure of the orchid mantis mimics parts of the orchid flower. – the nearly invisible Spiny Flower Mantis strikes.