The Learning Center is the university's primary academic resource center and is available to all Ship students. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar – offizielle Website. University Learning Systems continues to monitor the rapidly changing situation related to COVID-19.

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We deal with all aspects of academic literacy, learning, and communication, and are here to support your studies at The University of Sydney. We can help you study for an exam, learn better study skills, or improve your writing skills. Please note: Our April event in Clearwater Beach has been moved to July 15-17, 2020 and our June Las Vegas and October Aruba events have been cancelled.
910.962.7857;; Office Hours. Avaya Learning Center Cookie Notice.

Through positive interaction and effective communication, a peer tutor is able to create an educational environment that inspires a student to develop autonomous learning strategies. Purpose. Images by Doublespace Photography , Lorne Bridgman. Learning Languages Study Smarter; View All Handouts. We use cookies to deliver the best browsing experience, personalize content, serve targeted advertisements and analyze site traffic. Learn More. Need help getting started on a writing assignment, or want feedback on a paper before you turn it in? Have a question? The Learning Center The ultimate goal of the Learning Center is to provide a student with the resources needed to obtain academic independence and success. Stay in touch To report a problem or for any related information kindly contact the following persons on the various campuses: If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. The Learning Center offers Supplemental Instruction (SI) for selected courses on campus. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. For our current hours, click here. Avaya Learning Center.

SI provides FREE organized study sessions which are open to any students in the course and are led by undergraduates who are selected and trained to be SI leaders.
If you click "Accept All Cookies", you consent to our use of cookies. The Learning Centre has a discussion board on Canvas where you can post your questions, at any time. Visit the Writing Center. The Air University (AU) Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) is the focal point for activities related to the enhancement of teaching and learning at AU.Our mission includes resources, expertise, guidance and facilities to increase the ability of faculty to teach and students to learn. University and NHS clinical staff for essential medical purposes We are obviously making sure that any usage of the Library is minimal, safe, and directed towards the fight against Covid-19 … Contact Us. Who We Are. Research shows that students who engage in tutoring, attend study groups, achieve higher grades than those who do not.