A. arifolium (Hexastylis arifolius *, or evergreen wild ginger) is a North American native with triangular, dark blue-green leaves patterned with gray or silver. Wild ginger is an evergreen plant with thick roots, and trailing stems with heart-shaped leaves on long stalks. This spring- blooming wildflower, native to much of the U.S., is found growing in woodland areas and wooded slopes throughout the Eastern U.S. Wild ginger is a stemless plant featuring dark green heart- or kidney-shape leaves with visible veining and cup-shape purple-brown flowers that are often hidden beneath its foliage. The whole plant smells like lemon-ginger when crushed.

This wild ginger is an evergreen groundcover with heart-shaped, shiny leaves that are often marbled.

Evergreen wild ginger is a beautiful perennial plant that grows slowly to present a shining green garden all year long if the winters in your area are not harsh.

Zone 4 or 5. A. caudatum, another native species with large, light green, heart shaped leaves. It grows well in various types of soil.

The flowers are purple and bell-shaped, with three petals. However, it is better if the soil is slightly acidic rather than alkaline.

This wild ginger is an evergreen groundcover with heart-shaped, shiny leaves that are often marbled.