Loved by butterflies & bees. A very stately back of border plant.

If you require more Echinops then take cuttings from the root in the spring, or divide he plant in the autumn. 2 litre pot available to order from autumn 1 star 1 star 1 star 1 star 1 star 5 5 10. Echinops ritro Seeds Perennial Echinops are hardy vigorous plants with strong stems, prickly grey-green foliage and plenty of beautiful globe shaped violet blue flowers.

Magnificent, steel blue/purple mace-like heads above deeply serrated grey-green leaves. Although Echinops are perennials it is best to plant new globe thistles every four years or so to maintain the appearance of the plants. A Best Buy variety as recommended by the Gardening Press and Consumer Groups. RSPB Globe Thistle Seeds Echinops ritro.

*First off, Gramps grew ‘Ritro’, it has a strong stem and great colour. Echinops plants thrive on poor, well drained soils, but will grow in most soils and situations. Seeds selected by the RSPB to attract wildlife. The species Echinops ritro is lovely if you have space to let it roam – in a wild or gravel garden, say – but it can be a bit much for smaller spaces, because it tends to self-seed rather a lot. Excellent for wildlife.

The Globe Thistle's flowers are striking in the garden where their colour and form provide contrast to the more usual mounds and spires of summer flowers. Good dried flower. The spiny, cobwebbed leaves provide interest from spring until the blooms appear in late summer.

Echinops ritro 'Veitch's Blue' £14.99. The spiky leaves and bristly metallic blue flowers of globe thistles Echinops ritro, make them a great architectural choice for the back of a sunny border.

ECHINOPS ritro also known as a Globe Thistle has blue spherical flower heads and upper side dark green, hairy underside silvery foliage, it is drought tolerant and makes an ideal cut flower but is also used in dried bouquets. Choose a position in full sun or semi shade. Email me when available. Echinops ritro, the southern globethistle, is a species of flowering plant in the sunflower family, native to southern and eastern Europe (from Spain east to Turkey, Ukraine, and Belarus), and western Asia. Echinops is a globe like thistle with jagged edged silver green leaves…it grows to 120 cm tall…the flower heads look like the ‘Maces’ that knights of old would use to bash other knights of old….in the days of knights of old.

How To Grow Echinops From Seed.

add to wishlist Echinops bannaticus 'Taplow Blue' £6.99.