Best Selling. Cold smoking (smoking foods below 37°C/100°F) can be achieved through a few different methods: lighting a fire in large room to disperse the heat; cooling the smoke on the way into wherever you are hanging the food to be smoked; or generating as little heat as possible to create smoke. The Weber Cold Smoke Generator is designed for cold smoking fish, cheese, sausages, meats, etc. Editor's Choices. Smoke Daddy Magnum P.I.G. You can use cold smoking to smoke salmon, smoke homemade bacon, smoke salt, smoke nuts, and my favorite… smoke cheese. Title. Operating The Cold Smoker. The new and unique design produces a rich flow of cold smoke for up to 10 hours without the need for gas or electricity. If you have time, read on! It’s also cool that you can use it right out of the box and turn anything into a smoker – no drilling, mounting, or plugging in. You do NOT need a bunch of specialty equipment to cold smoke. For best results, operate the cold smoker in cold, breezy conditions. This is probably the only time you want to take advantage of the wind to suck as much heat as possible out of the WSM. Weber Cold Smoker. You don’t need to build elaborate contraptions with cardboard boxes, … It lacks the gadget-factor of the powered cold smoke generators, but we admire the simplicity and functionality. If you want quick recommendations about the best cold smoke generator out there, consider the top three products in the table below to get started. I recommend that you run the cold smoker once without food to drive out any odors from the cardboard box and foil duct tubing.