Here’s how these tubers compare — and why both deserve a place in your diet. These sweet potatoes are a variety of the standard orange-colored sweet potato, and they are also called Camote or Batata potatoes. Please note though, the type of vitamin A is betacarotene, and only a small percentage is actually converted to retinol, the usable form of vitamin A. How to grow and cook yacon A perennial tuber from south America which looks like a potato, grows like a Jerusalem artichoke, and tastes a bit like a pear Yacon - … With white or yellowish transparent flesh, the root has little variability. Sweet Potatoes The Classic Sweet Potato. In New Zealand sweet potato is known as kumara and both the pre-European Maori types and those introduced by Europeans are grown. This is probably what most of you picture when you think of a sweet potato – light tan skin, slightly yellow interior. A sweet potato has more calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, vitamins C and E than a banana; however, a sweet potato does have more sodium. ( 1 ) Compare Taro to Sweet potato by vitamins and minerals using the only readable nutrition comparison tool. With skin that is either reddish-purple or brownish-purple in color, this type of sweet potato is firm and tasty, and you can enjoy it baked or cooked in various dishes. Despite this, and unlike other Andean root crops such as potato and sweet potato, yacon remains relatively unexploited. This version is firmer with a golden skin and light yellow flesh. Taro vs Sweet potato - In-Depth Nutrition Comparison. Its name comes from the Quechua word yaku alluding to the root’s high water content. Sweet potatoes vs. potatoes: A nutritional debate fueled by misinformation, baseless ‘superfood’ obsessions, and carbohydrate phobias. Sweet, white. It tends to have a drier texture and is less sweet than dark-skinned sweet potatoes. Golden-Skinned, Pale-Fleshed Sweet Potatoes. LDL (low-density lipoprotein) contributes to plaque, which can clog arteries and increases the risk of strokes and heart attacks. Basic sweet potatoes are strong sources of beta-carotene, manganese, and copper.

Yacon is a name used to refer to the plant Smallanthus sonchifolius, which is a tuber vegetable (similar to a potato) and a common food product in South America.It looks like a sweet potato and tastes like a pear. The roots are eaten raw and are sweet, low in calories, with a … Sweet potatoes are often touted as being healthier than white potatoes, but in reality, both types can be highly nutritious. According to the USDA, one medium baked sweet potato with skin contains 103 calories, 2.29 grams of protein, 0.27 grams of fat, 23.6 grams of carbohydrates, 3.8 grams of fiber and 7.39 grams of sugar Does it matter when it comes to your health? Sweet potato prefers a rich, fertile, well-drained soil in full sun; space plants 35 cm apart. Yacon ( Smallanthus sonchifolius ) is the name commonly given to the plant and its storage root (Figures 1 and 2A). Potato: The Nutritional Facts. It’s creamy, almost like a Yukon gold potato, and slightly sweet. Yacon is native to the Andean region and is known to have been cultivated and consumed since pre-Inca times. Sweet potatoes vs. potatoes: A nutritional debate fueled by misinformation, baseless ‘superfood’ obsessions, and carbohydrate phobias. Cholesterol is a lipid essential for producing hormones and takes two forms: LDL, or bad cholesterol, and HDL, good cholesterol. Our experts analyze what’s the better pick. Here’s how these tubers compare — and why both deserve a place in your diet. Also notable is a sweet potato’s vitamin A content, which is nearly three times that of banana and meets your RDA in one serving! Sweet potatoes are a fantastic source of vitamins and minerals – especially vitamin A. While the tuber itself is used in cooking, a syrup derived from the tuber (called yacon syrup) is used as an alternative sweetener. Let’s take a detailed look at the health benefits of sweet potatoes vs. potatoes. Potato, potahto. White Potatoes vs. Sweet Potatoes: Which Are Healthier? Sweet Potato vs. Yacon is a distant relative of the sunflower. In subtropical and tropical areas sweet potato can be planted all year round.