I_am_not_bad. 01 The chocolate mousse has a sandy texture, full of lumps. Lv 6.

Servings 4. Relevance. I would rather call is a chocolate foam. I made a chocolate mousse to use as a cake filling following a recipe. 4 egg whites, whisked into peaks and folded chocolate 200g. I have experimented with gelatine, by using one sheet, blooming it and adding it to the hot chocolate--cream-mixture. Possible causes and solutions The chocolate you used was too fluid. The result is a very airy, but runny chocolate mousse. Calories Per Serve 544 kcal. the consistency is foamy and it tastes good. 5 Answers. It has turned out more like chocolate pudding, with only the top half of the bowl coming out anything like a mousse. 03 The chocolate mousse is too soft. Author Chef Not … Place a stainless-steel bowl over the saucepan and add 1 egg yolk and 3 tablespoons of cream for every 2 cups of finished souffle (a basic souffle recipe yields about 4 cups of finished souffle). I followed the recipe and have made this before but this timed used milk instead of dark chocolate! Total Time 25 minutes. Easily doubled, and no need for melting chocolate over simmering water. I don't have time or ingredients to make it again (I did a demo run which turned out fine, just unable to replicate on a … 1 decade ago. Milk chocolate contains more sugar. 25 mins plus 2-4 hrs chilling time Serves 4 Velvety smooth & rich chocolate mousse with a hint of orange. Made with egg yolk and cream, the liaison does not add anything to mousse that isn't already there -- it just changes the ratio a bit in favor of thickness. I would prefer, however, a mousse that is firmer and denser. Easy Chocolate Orange Mousse. Bring a half-full pot of water to a boil. Answer Save. My Chocolate Mousse wont set, whats wrong with it? Course Dessert Cuisine Modern Australian Keyword chocolate orange mousse Setting Time 3 hours. Sugar is hygroscopic, meaning it attracts … Favourite answer.

02 The chocolate mousse is too heavy and thick. 01 The chocolate mousse has a sandy texture, full of lumps. Troubleshooting: Mousses.