A triple column cash book or three column Cash Book is one which consists of three separate columns on the debit side as well as credit side for recording cash, bank and discount. You can download given templates for manual or computer practice of cash book problems.

If there is any other tax applicable in your area, you can insert it according to your needs. In both the debit and credit sides, it has five columns:. Examples of Cash Book. All other monthly tabs are connected to this Accounts|Headers page and will automatically pick up the header names you enter here. The Accounts|Headers page of the Excel Cash Book is where you can enter in the business name, your income and expense header names (account headings) and month names. The triple column cash book (also referred to as three column cash book) is the most exhaustive form of cash book which has three money columns on both receipt (Dr) and payment (Cr) sides to record transactions involving cash, bank and discounts. It enables you to view month by month figures. A simple column cash book purely records cash transactions and is a substitute for cash related journal entries and cash account. In the form of a simple document, often an Excel spreadsheet, the cash book is used to record a company’s cash payments. Have a look at the screenshot of the cashbook excel template Cash Book Template options We have created two versions of the cash book template; the first is a free version which includes three sales categories, eight purchase categories which you can name and forty transaction lines. It is worth spending some time on the example, entering figures to see what your outcome is before starting on your version. moneyBook is simply sort of a ledger account. We have produced a free excel cash book template example for a small computer firm, so you see it in use for yourself along with some instructions. Cash book is a book of original entry in which transactions relating only to cash receipts and payments are recorded in detail. Prepare a format of the simple cash book.

The following Cash Book examples provide an outline of the most common Cash Books. Prepare a petty cash book for all the records of your expenditure made annually or monthly. In this Cash Book entry and posting are made for purely cash transactions. Cashbook is a financial journal which contains all the cash receipt and cash payments including the deposit in bank and withdrawal from the bank. The totals from each month appear in the totals page. It is enough for most accounts and ideal if you are a small sole trader. there’s no got to open a separate brokerage account within the ledger. This can be either GST (Goods and Service Tax) or VAT (Value Added Tax). After reading this article you will learn about the format of preparing cash book. There are three types of cash book formats which are the following: #1 – Single Column Single column cash-book contains only the cash transactions done by the business. You can auto generate different table and logo of your company for being professional. Double Column Cash Book Format is templates of two column cash book. Similarly, when cash is paid out the same is recorded on the credit or right hand side of the cash book. You can find it at the end of the article.

Looking for printable format of Cash Book Excel Template; so here you can either copy paste these table or direct download file in seconds. The discount column on the debit side of the cash book will record discounts allowed and that on the credit side discounts received.Discount columns in both side are not balanced only totaled. Downloadable sheet can be use to practice manually as well as computerized working of cash and bank column cash book.
When cash is received it is entered on the debit or left hand side. Entries in the cash book … Similar to the simple cash book, it also consists of a debit and credit side along with an extra column for tax.