The bacteria is commonly present in the environment, but grows well in warm water environments such as hot tubs and spas, since heat often breaks down the disinfection ability of pool chemicals. Swimming is a preferred summertime activity by women, but it can pose a risk of a vaginal yeast infection.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa causes a variety of illnesses when associated with recreational swimming, but the the most common manifestation is "swimmer's ear and a variety of skin infections. The reason: Swimming pool inspections are inadequate, a CDC study suggests. Ear and nose plugs are not very useful while swimming because they prevent pressure equalization, but one can breathe out of their nose while diving and turning to prevent chlorinated water from entering the sinuses.
Although swimming does not cause a yeast infection, the chlorinated water from swimming pools can cause irritation in sensitive areas including the vulva, or exterior female sexual organs. Another part of most chest infection treatments is managing the inevitable aches and pains that the ailments can cause. In this article, learn about the possible causes and how to treat them.

How to prevent yeast infections caused by swimming . Chlorine, however, is an even more common cause for post-swim sinus problems.

How to prevent yeast infections caused by swimming . Summer vaginal infections. The chlorine in pools can cause inflammation in the lining of the sinuses – sinusitis – as well as inflammation in the lining of the nasal passages – rhinitis. Recreational water illnesses (RWIs) are caused by germs spread by swallowing, breathing in mists or aerosols of, or having contact with contaminated water in swimming pools, hot tubs, water parks, water play areas, interactive fountains, lakes, rivers, or oceans. Serious germs lurk … A number of women have already been affected by a vaginal yeast infection, commonly called a "fungal infection". A chest infection is one that affects just the lungs or airways, so a lung infection is a chest infection and also a lower respiratory tract infection. June 5, 2003 -- Blame dirty pools for the recent upswing in swimming pool infections. This seems true to me, because I don't often hear of athletes getting infections from long open water swims in rather dirty water.

Bacteria, viruses, or fungi in pool water can enter the nasal passages, which can lead to inflammation and cause infections. Over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen should also be considered when trying to manage headaches, body pains, or fevers. A heavy feeling in the chest can have a range of causes, from anxiety or depression to problems with the heart or lungs. Vulvodynia is ongoing pain in the vulvar area which causes burning, soreness, itching and irritation -- symptoms similar to a yeast infection.

Warm, soothing drinks like tea with honey and lemon can help a sore throat.