Filled with cell sap to help keep the cell turgid. This is known as turgor pressure, and it stabilizes the cell and increases the structure of the plant. It is a rigid structure. The ornate surfaces of male and female reproductive cells in flowering plants have long attracted attention for their variety and evolutionary significance. Lysosome. Allows nutrients/ regulates movement in and out of the cell. Animal cells may also have vacuoles, but these are small and temporary. One of the better studied is the BOR1 borate exporter. Examples of regulated endocytic trafficking in plants have recently come to light. The large vacuole also serves the function of maintaining cell structure, by crowding other organelles into their optimal locations within the cell. Each tissue has a specific function in the plant organ and when we are talking about the function of the leaf, we must actually refer to the function of each kind of tissue Plants, an international, peer-reviewed Open Access journal. Digest food particles, waste, and foreign invaders; important in intracellular digestion. As a consequence of limited mobility, plants are plastic in their ability to withstand a variety of harsh environmental conditions and to survive attack by pathogens and herbivores. 1. In animals, they are commonly used to store or transport substances. Increasing the turgor pressure of the vacuole can also help stabilize the cell during periods of cell growth. Cell Wall •(Plants only) inflexible barrier “protecting” the cell and giving it support. about the internal structure or the anatomy of the plant. These structures, and the molecules involved in sexual interactions, remain among the most rapidly evolving and diverse characteristics known. Is not selectively permeable. A structure in a cell that receives proteins and other newly formed materials from the endoplasmic reticulum, packages them, and distributes them to other parts of the cell . CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION CHART PLANT CELL ANIMAL CELL . Boron is an essential element for plants, required for correct cell wall structure (O'Neill et al., 2004), but an excess of boron is toxic. (“Selectively Permeable”). 2. Cell Membrane •oundary (“wall”) between the cell and the environment. Nucleus. Cells of the same kind and/or function form tissues like the epidermis, cortex and vascular tissue. The plant cell wall is a complex macromolecular structure that surrounds and protects the cell, and is a distinguishing characteristic of plants essential to their survival. The organelle that contains the DNA and controls the processes of the cell; The power center of the cell.