I have got a (good or bad) reputation and you have not got a (good or bad) reputation. Find descriptive alternatives for got it. Basics . Okay, got it definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'okay',oka',Okayama',OK', Reverso dictionary, English definition, English vocabulary Do you know what a lightbulb moment is? What is the meaning of I have got a reputation unlike you? As in, you were falling, and I caught you, or you were running, and I … Synonyms for got it at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. You have got a problem. Also known as an aha moment, a light bulb moment is a sudden understanding or realization of something. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Have got, has got, and had got are not usually pronounced in full. Get It vs. Got It.

Gotcha actually has several meanings. I have got three children. If you have had a recent enlightenment, you might relate to the cartoon characters who illustrate their ideas with an illuminated lightbulb above their heads.

Definition of got it bad in the Idioms Dictionary. All of them can be derived from the phrase of which this is a phonetic spelling, namely "[I have] got you". What does got it bad expression mean? What you say when you are 100% sure of your ability to make something your bitch. Literally, from the sense of got = "caught, obtained", it means "I've caught you". What does got it bad expression mean?

Shundalyn Allen. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. got it bad phrase. have got 1. form and basic uses Have got is often used in conversation and in less formal writing with the same meaning as have. Asked in English Language When you write down what someone says, you usually write 've got, 's got, or 'd got.