This deciduous shrub enjoys a rounded habit, large bold leaves and attractive clusters of long-blooming summer flowers.

Native to Japan, Hydrangea macrophylla (Big Leaf Hydrangea) is one of the most popular hydrangeas in our gardens. If your weather is too cold to grow the pink and blue hydrangeas or if your landscape doesn't have much shade, consider growing one of the many types of paniculatas. Hydrangea Plants. In containers or in the ground, few plants give gardeners the same bang for their buck as the hydrangea. Lacecap, oak leaf, and large-leafed hydrangeas bring diverse texture and form to the summer landscape. The oakleaf hydrangea is a beautiful variety that has white flowers and is available in both dwarf and full-growing cultivars.

While other hydrangeas stick to pink, purple or blue blooms, Limelight shines with massive, pale-lime flower clusters—and it's easy to care for, too. Be careful not to prune out the main top branches or to cut the trunk – this will cause the hydrangea to put out new growth at the base and the tree shape will be lost.

Every landscape deserves a show-stopping plant that earns the neighborhood's envy. Additionally, the unique leaf on the shrub provides an excellent fall feature when it turns to hues of red, orange yellow and burgundy. ... Hydrangea macrophylla Let's Dance® Blue Jangles ... White Flower Farm is a family-owned mail-order nursery located in northwestern Connecticut.

This is one of the more tolerant hydrangeas, putting up with heat, cold, drought and full sun. If you garden in colder areas you will be more likely to know the panicle hydrangeas, with their conical flower heads and white flowers, that often turn pink in the colder days of fall. The oakleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia) is a variety that deer rarely browse. For a full sun hydrangea, plant panicle hydrangea (Hydrangea paniculata). The White Wedding® Hydrangea features very large flower heads, a full 6 inches tall and across, which are more rounded than those in most other panicle hydrangeas, with just a slightly conical center. It is designed to enhance your blue hydrangeas. More About Pruning Different Hydrangea Types.

Nikko Blue hydrangea bushes do not require much (if any) pruning, but the main thing that you need to know if you do feel compelled to prune them is that they bloom on old wood.Buds are set in late summer to early fall, so prune prior to this. There are hydrangeas, and then there are hydrangeas.

‘Limelight’ produces cool-green flowers and grows to a height of 6 to 8 feet. Panicle hydrangeas usually start blooming in midsummer and the blooms last until fall. Most people think of the mophead hydrangea, with its rounded, fat heads in pink, blue or white. Blue hydrangea – Blue hydrangeas from the bigleaf family are only blue because of the soil they are grown in.

Whether you’re looking to plant a living screen or fill patio pots, there’s a hydrangea to fit your needs. Panicle hydrangeas actually need at least five hours of full sun to flower their strongest.

Lacecap, oak leaf, and large-leafed hydrangeas bring diverse texture and form to the summer landscape. This makes the tree form panicle hydrangea more high maintenance than other hydrangeas in this group. Most have large clusters of white flowers in summer that fade to shades of pink or red before drying to beige. Panicle Hydrangeas. Just … Peegee hydrangea – While often trained to look like a tree, the Peegee (P.G.) Hydrangeas by Botanical Name. It can take a few weeks to notice the results. Smooth Hydrangeas. The mixture of aluminum sulfate and nutrients helps your plant grow lush leaves and maintain its blue color. You can purchase a blue hydrangea and find it blooms a different color next year.

Panicle hydrangeas (Hydrangea paniculata) ‘Grandiflora’ is a big, old-fashioned, floppy variety, ‘Tardiva’, ‘White Moth’, and ‘Pee Wee’ fit the scale of small gardens. Unlike mopheads, they need several hours of sun to do well.