Nightshades: white potato, peppers (black pepper is safe), eggplant, tomatoes. How bad are white potatoes, because I normally do eat Sweet poatoes instead, but they cost quite alot where I live. Now sweet potatoes are not a nightshade vegetable so its safe. Boiled potatoes are naturally rich in vitamins and minerals, particularly potassium, phosphorus, B-complex vitamins and vitamin C. They are low in calories and fat, and their high fiber content helps you feel Raw vegetables It might seem shocking that raw vegetables are a no-no after a workout, but on their own, they’re just not enough. You're guaranteed to get them drenched in saturated fats—something you want to keep out of your diet right after a big sweat session. A big leg or back day is going to get more carbs post-workout than an arm day or even a chest day. List of Common Fast-Acting Carbohydrates for Post-Workout.

Hey I’m giving this a go this week for 3-4 days (will hopefully make 4) to kick start weight loss. ... Glucose is much more available to the body, and more easily absorbed for muscle recovery after exercise.

1. A baked potato is fine (especially if plain). For legs and back it may be 100-120 grams of carbs in the post-workout meal. 11 different recipes for making white potatoes. Whether your tooth is sweet or savory, a stuffed potato could be the way to go! Originally, white potatoes were a no-no on the Paleo diet, though several experts have revised their opinion on this topic.

It includes foods like white rice, salmon, omelette, sweet potato, and cereal, among other such things. Eggs are a wonderful way to get your protein after a workout—as long as you eat them raw or hard-boiled.

Lastly, a hot tip: “After a strenuous workout at the gym, consume a sweet potato with a little cinnamon on top (which has anti-inflammatory properties) and your muscles will recover twice as fast,” Friedman suggests. Real world Application of Post-Workout Nutrition So hopefully by now you get the basics of what post-workout nutrition is, when it’s needed, but now you’re curious as to how to apply it to your crazy schedule.

Here are the best healthy vegan post-workout snacks that are high in protein! 5 – The duration and intensity of your training sessions. After all, your depleted glycogen stores aren't going to replenish themselves. “One of my go-to snacks throughout the week are all-natural, lightly salted potato chips,” says Jimmy Minardi, ISSA-certified personal trainer and founder of Minardi Training in New York City. Let’s look White potatoes are less nutritious than sweet potatoes. It doesn't mean you can shovel down 1,500 grams of carbs after doing a few sets of curls. If you hit a diner or greasy spoon after your workout, don't order your eggs over-easy or sunny-side-up. The humblest of all vegetables probably doesn't get enough credit for all the work that it does around the clock, but especially at the breakfast table. Consuming protein immediately after your workout is important, but Smith recommends endurance athletes also eat a protein-rich snack before bed to … With that out of the way, on to the meals!


This article lists down the right food to eat after workout.