By Suzanne Lucas Updated on: ... Just a 15 minute check up every other week can let your boss know what you … According to the Workplace Bullying Institute, forms of workplace bullying include sabotage or work interference that prevents work from being done, verbal abuse, and actions that are intimidating or threatening. An undermining boss may try to simply force you out of the job, just by treating you …

Ignore what they say and do.

1. ... Demeaning behavior might be an act of indirect sabotage. Although you will certaintly be distracted by a toxic boss, it is criticially important that you continue to focus on doing your job to the best of your abilities.

It’s hard enough when a colleague undermines you at work, but when the boss -- the person who can fire you -- undercuts you, it creates a more challenging situation. How to Deal with Someone Who is Trying to Discredit You.

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"Make sure your boss notices your excellent performance, and make doubly sure that your boss knows that you want to be promoted." Once you are clear on your goals and you understand if your boss’ behavior is lawful or unlawful, it will be much easier to decide on your strategy for dealing with the situation. Rise above the drama of co-worker sabotage. Don’t give them that pleasure, and ignore the entire situation, as tough as it is to do. What else might they be lying about?

Let’s talk about your options: Option #1: Do Excellent Work.

3. 5 signs you're working for a toxic boss (and 5 tips to help) ... but toxic managers can sabotage you with unrealistic goals. If someone is actively trying to sabotage you, they might lie to your boss or colleagues about your work.

16 signs that your coworker is undermining you. If you are dealing with a ‘bad boss’ who’s sabotaging your career…. In the meantime, keep breathing. If you can’t speak with your boss directly or that makes you uncomfortable, involve a neutral third party, such as a representative from the human resources department. If you can, don't let your coworker's anger or frustration get to you. Next Article ... humiliating, or intimidating, work sabotage, or … When it serves you, you can move to a new job or even start your own business. You have enough to deal with as the supervisor or boss at your workplace -- but when someone's trying to sabotage you, it's time to drop a few things off the list and give the issue the attention it deserves. 8 Ways to Stop a Coworker From Sabotaging Your Reputation. They tell lies to your boss or your colleagues about your work.