This historic shift is likely to result in another shift in the state’s gun control policy. Democrats are set to take control of the Virginia General Assembly. A Virginia Law Enforcement official said one woman, Mikaela E. Beschler, 21, of Richmond, was arrested and charged with wearing a mask … There are so many different modes of thought in so many different echo chambers that they're going to clash. In addition to the controversy surrounding Northam, Virginia Lt. Gov. Democratic Attorney General Mark Herring, who is third in the line of succession for Governor of Virginia — after the current governor (embroiled in a blackface scandal) and the Lt. The state of Virginia has to raise the costs of owning “assault weapons.” These things are not only possible, but LIKELY in the future. And, yes, I’m sure there will be an increase in red flags where the state of Virginia curbs Second Amendment rights of some citizens over the risk of “imminent threats.”
That conjures up images of armed protesters storming the capital building to prevent votes from being cast, which is not going to happen. I am a nearly life-long Virginia resident (53 years) who was born just across the river in Washington, DC who also happens to be a 2A activist and FFL.
What's Going on in Virginia is the Tip of the Iceberg. But wait, because there's more. In my eyes, we're about to hit a balkanization of opinion. It's like a prelude to some damned modern day crusade.

Something is going to happen, and a big shoe is going to drop.

Governor (accused of sexual assault) — released a statement today admitting that he, too, once wore blackface at a college party in 1980. It's not even conservative vs. liberal anymore.