The VENOM Legends have returned! Venom is an English heavy metal band from Newcastle upon Tyne.Formed in 1979, the group … See also: Atomkraft, M-pire of Evil, Venom Inc., ex-Mantas: V.X.S. Yet VENOM INC. only benefits from the members' growth and maturity. VENOM Inc - Iron & Steel - The Official Website. So now former Venom members Jeff “Mantas” Dunn and Anthony “Abaddon” Bray have decided to start up a new band titled Venom Inc., because fuck coming up with a new name. Featuring guitarist Mantas and drummer Abaddon, two thirds of Venom’s classic line-up, and with vocalist Tony Dolan from one of the band’s later incarnations to boot, this is theoretically much more authentic and close to the heart of the beast than the band using the Venom name today. Venom Inc., on the other hand, take the stage as a truly unknown quality.

Look. VENOM Inc - the new album, entitled Avé, available now via Nuclear Blast. Venom Inc: We were known more famously as Venom, although we had many other successful projects. MANTAS - THE DEMOLITION MAN - ABADDON. The second single from Avé , entitled “ Avé Satanas ”, can be streamed now via the Nuclear Blast YouTube channel The first single from Avé , entitled “ Dein Fleisch ”, can be streamed now via the Nuclear Blast YouTube channel There was a period of time where this lineup was regarded as a leader. VENOM and Black Metal founders MANTAS and ABADDON have reunited with THE DEMOLITION MAN. Country of origin: United Kingdom Location: Newcastle, England Status: Active Formed in: 2015 Genre: Heavy Metal Lyrical themes: War, Satan, Metal Current label: That wild, unkempt mane of the primal beast that was young VENOM was a part of the group's charm.