Simple Savings with Our Solar Lease.

Instead, you only pay for the electricity the solar panels generate. In general, as the landowner, you should understand what limitations, …

Have you been looking for ways to reduce your home’s energy bills but not sure how? About Us. Products. It's easy and affordable. Easements and site usage: You should carefully consider the defined easements around the solar array in case you anticipate building on or using land adjacent to the system during the lease term. 2 Introduction Large scale solar projects, such as community solar and investor-owned solar systems on farms, have expanded rapidly throughout the U.S. With a solar site lease, the solar company will pay you a fixed monthly “rent” payment that is calculated by the system size and electricity production. A great option is to switch to solar energy. When it comes to leasing or buying solar panels, the perfect option for you and your energy needs will depend on your financial goals and preferences. SolarLandLease (SLL) saves landowners time and increases the likelihood that your land will be leased to a solar developer. Solar Lease. Solar leasing has quickly become the most popular way of helping homeowners reap the benefits of solar energy.

Solar Leasing Companies Solar leases and PPAs are a good option to finance your solar panel system. Assembly Bill 811 (AB 811) is an environmental law in California, passed on July 21, 2008, designed to accomplish the goals outlined by Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. Home; About Us; Residential. Renewable Properties works collaboratively with all parties involved in developing solar projects (landowners, utilities and communities) to ensure solar farms are properly sited, constructed and maintained. The leasing company is usually willing to allow you to benefit from the sale of … If you're a property owner, you could be in a position to profit with lease payments for hosting a solar energy system from IGS Solar on your land or roof.
… A solar site lease is a lease agreement between a property owner and third party investor (i.e., solar installer, developer or financier). Seller shall have obtained (or caused to be obtained) an estoppel certificate from the lessor under the Solar Site Lease in form and substance satisfactory to Buyer.If such cannot be obtained in time, an email or fax from the lessor stating the lease is intact and transferrable is acceptable. Sunrun pioneered the solar lease (PPA) in 2007, allowing homeowners to go solar for $0 down. There is never a cost or obligation to speak with us about the liquid value of your solar lease.

With a solar lease or power purchase agreement (PPA), you don't have to pay the high upfront cost of solar panels, equipment, and installation. Whether the landowner does not own water rights, or the land will not produce anything when it is farmed, a solar site lease can drastically increase the value of an otherwise dormant piece of land. Get a Quote 877.655.7790.

Lease Agreement for Residential Customers (Disaggregated) This residential lease agreement is created for companies that work with a network of third-party installation partners or financiers. This agreement is for leasing solar systems to residential customers and meant to be used by vertically integrated companies who finance and install systems. Restriction of Future Leases: Your lease may preclude you from signing an oil and gas lease, farmland rental, timber agreements, or other leases/agreements. One of the most obvious candidates for a solar site lease is a piece of dormant land.

Read More. With a standard solar PPA, while still being a no cost option, you are purchasing the electricity produced by the system at a reduced rate compared to your particular electric bill.

Rather than spending time to find each one and filling out multiple contact forms, you only need to do it once with SLL. PO Box 45499 Phoenix, AZ 85064. Instead of paying for a solar system, you pay a fixed monthly amount for the electricity the solar panels generate. 520-415-6485 Learning Center. A solar site lease is a lease agreement between a property owner and third party investor (i.e., solar installer, developer or financier). But just like your normal utility-bill, you do not own the energy generator, and you are not paying off an asset.

Guide to Land Leases for Solar July 2016 SEIA | 600 14TH Street, NW | Suite 400 | Washington, DC | 20005 | .

Any structure built will need to be located outside of those easements, and not shade the array or cause any issues with system production. The solar site lease gives a property owner additional revenue with no cash out of pocket. The solar leasing company owns the system in a prepaid lease/PPA, but the lease amount will be similar to the purchase price of the system, including rebates, tax credits, and incentives.