SSP for 24-hour soaking duration is recommended for improving germination and fruit yield. Bitter gourd pandal. Bitter melons take around 10-15 days to germinate. Then crack open the seed cover with … Use fresh water for this purpose.

For pre germination, the bittergourd seeds should be soaked in … Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) is a warm season vegetable growing well in tropical and subtropical climates.The optimum temperature for germination of bitter gourd seeds is between 25 and 28 °C. Introduction. The bitter gourd seeds are really hard and can take up to 15 days to germinate.
This can be over come by using pre germinated seeds. Its fruit, seeds, peel, leaf, and various plant parts are known for being highly nutritious. Sowing Generally, germination of bittergourd seeds in the field is less and also delayed. Bitter melon extracts possess potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, anti-obesity, anti-proliferative, and liver- and heart-friendly properties. Most of the above tips demand getting rid of the seeds as they are the major contributors to the taste. With proper knowledge and care, we can reduce this time to just 5-7 days. It is really fast, it could save you a whole month with extra fruiting. When you are out grocery shopping the next time, make sure that you buy young, new and fresh bitter gourds that are light green because the more mature the seeds get, the bitter the taste of bitter gourd … Bitter melon was originally introduced to Suriname by South Chinese immigrants in the 1850s, where the unique and highly nutritious vegetable seamlessly integrated into the eclectic cuisine of this South American country. 1. Sow seeds in holes about a half - inch deep (1.25 cm) and spaced 12 inches (30 cm) apart.

Planting instructions. Soak the seeds for 24 hours. Bitter gourd or bitter melon is a bitter-tasting member of the cucumber family. This results in non uniformity in plant growth and fruit maturation. Sow two seeds in each hole. Seed soaking for 12 hours improved germination percentage (85.18%), fruits plant -1 (20.70) and yield (19.13 tones) of bitter gourd cultivars. Keywords: Bitter gourd, Distilled water, Quantitative attributes Seed priming, Soaking durations Introduction Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) is tropical and sub-tropical vine and considered as … But if you want to fasten the process, soak the seeds in water for 48 hours. How to Germinate Bitter gourd seeds? Seeds germinate in 8 to 10 days, though it is sensitive to temperature changes. A unique heart-shaped variety of bitter melon, the large softball-sized fruit is particularly popular in Surinamese cuisine.