Seaforth Highlanders were mainly from the north of Scotland Regimental Association area. Since 1910. The Association exists to promote the welfare of all veterans of the Regiment and foster esprit de corps, comradeship and Regimental interest amongst the veterans of all ranks and their families connected to the Queen’s Own Highlanders (Seaforth and Camerons) or its antecedent regiments. Book us for your next event - call Stuart Gullen on 01623 650359 . The Queen's Own Highlanders have their base at Cameron Barracks in Inverness with the Regimental Museum at Fort George in Scotland. Welcome to the Seaforth Highlanders Association (Notts Branch) Pipes & Drums.

Add that unique feeling of tradition and ceremony to your special event. First established on November 24, 1910 by a group of members in the local Vancouver Scottish community, these individuals sought to raise a local Canadian Highland Regiment in association with The Seaforth Highlanders of the Imperial Service. The Seaforth Highlanders of Canada Regimental Association was formed in 1917 primarily to promote and maintain the comradeship of the war time years. The Seaforth Highlanders of Canada Regimental Association was formed in 1917 primarily to promote and maintain the comradeship of the war time years. When the Regiment returned from active service it also took on the responsibility of providing assistance to members and their families who needed help in readjusting to civilian life. Cameron and Seaforth Highlanders make up the qohldrs (short title) and along with the Lovat Scouts, Lord Lovat’s regiment, they make up the Regimental Association family. The Seaforth Highlanders of Canada are Vancouver’s infantry regiment, based in Vancouver, British Columbia. The Seaforth Highlanders Pipes & Drums can provide a solo piper, a mini band for smaller events, or a full band of pipes and drums in full highland regalia. When the Regiment returned from active service it also took on the responsibility of providing assistance to members and their families who needed help in readjusting to civilian life.