Make sure you have all the pots,soil and mesh you will need for repotting in spring. David knows how to grow Serissa and agreed to share the basics.. Pruning a Snow Rose Bonsai. Potting and Repotting. Stable conditions are primary for this bonsai! Therefore, Bonsai require repotting when they are dormant or when there is a minimal requirement for the roots to supply the rest of the tree with nutrients. When taking care of a Serissa bonsai, the following must be kept in mind: Very light and cool in winter, in summer outside with plenty of fertilizer, repotting at the beginning of March. Serissa bonsai should be kept indoors during the winter months. It is commonly called Snow rose, Tree of a …

Pests and diseases: Aphids, root aphids or spider mites can attack the serissa. Our homes are too warm and dry for most plants and in winter when light levels are low a very warm situation will encourage the tree to grow. After repotting, water thoroughly and keep the plant in a shady location for several weeks so that new roots may grow. Order before midday for next day delivery Bonsai trees, like other plants grown in containers, need to be regularly re-potted. It is most definitely winter in New Zealand with snow in the South Island and wind and rain here in the North Island. The How-To of Serissa Bonsai. This tree species is a popular bonsai due to its vigor, the great flowers and the naturally small, shiny green leaves. Overwintering Serissa Bonsai. Prune roots moderately, and use basic bonsai soil. The leaves and roots tend to smell pretty bad when you prune them. Serissa Styling
The newly pruned roots will emit a wretched odor!
Winter Care. Serissa Feotida should be repotted every 1 to 2 years to replenish the soil nutrients that have been washed out. ... Repotting: Every 1-2 years in spring. Overwintering serissa bonsai is a skilled job and requires a little more care than some species. Serissa is a notoriously fussy bonsai. Bonsai trees, like other plants grown in containers, need to be regularly re-potted. You can prune your snow rose bonsai heavily in the early spring. You should repot your snow rose bonsai once every other year, using a standard soil mix. Prune the roots only moderately. Serissa foetida comes in many varieties. An indoor bonsai tree that produces fruit in the summer. Winter Care.

Propagation: The serissa can easily be propagated from semi-hardwood cuttings. Page 1 of 2 . How to Repot Bonsai Trees. The Dawn Redwood seems already overgrown, the roots are coming out and the main trunk seems to be a bit pushed out. Repotting: Repot the serissa every two years and use a standard soil mix. How to Repot Bonsai Trees. The tree needs pruning as well, but I thought I would make sure it needs to be repotted before I … Overwintering serissa bonsai is a skilled job and requires a little more care than some species. The roughly shaped trunks and tiny leaves make this a very popular indoor Bonsai tree. BONSAI BOY OF NEW YORK The Serissa is a small, indoor, evergreen shrub that flowers around two times a year. Repot in fresh soil that is well-draining with peat moss for soil retention. You should do this every 1-2 years when the tree is younger. Fertilizing Serissa Bonsai Do not fertilize your bonsai for one month after repotting. Repotting is a perfect time to check your bonsai's roots; or, if your bonsai is sick, that's another reason to check the roots. Serissa trunks wick moisture quite visibly, look at it about an hour after you water and the trunk will be dark, which recedes down … Serissa bonsai should be kept indoors during the winter months. While they can tolerate a lot of water, it is good to let them get a bit dry between waterings after repotting and during this time of year. Bonsai Serissa Bonsai For Beginners. Serissa should be repotted during their growing season which is in spring. Repotting aftercare 4 years 5 months ago #18212 It's winter, sort of, which means I'm preparing for spring. 4.9 out of 5.0 stars on Amazon "Upon finding that I work as a professional bonsai artist, many people will remark that they once had a bonsai, but it died and with some regret, they gave up". Overwintering Serissa Bonsai. Most commonly used are Chinese Snow Rose, Cherry Blossom, Kyoto, Mt.

It grows in wet meadows and open sub-tropical woodlands. General Information: Flowering White Serissa is an evergreen or semi-evergreen flowering shrub that is native to Southeast Asia and is found commonly in India, China and Japan.