One public official who appears to be bucking the national and statewide voter funk is Sen. Lisa Murkowski. Democrats have made it their goal to remove Trump from office. 24/7 Wall St. reviewed approval ratings for U.S. senators and 2018 election results for House members in order to identify the least popular members of Congress. Sens. After GOP Senator Collins Turns On Trump – Her Approval Rating Takes A Turn. President Trump fires back:. She maintains a strong 68% approval rating compared to only a 25% disapproval rating. By Aris Folley - 07/18/19 04:59 PM EDT . She defeated Joe Miller (R), Scott T. McAdams (D), Frederick Haase (L), Tim Carter (Nonaffiliated) and Ted Gianoutsos (Nonaffiliated) in the general election. Lisa Murkowsi and Dan Sullivan both received approval ratings of 49 percent, about in the middle of the pack and slightly above average. Palin wasn’t very popular back home at last check either, though. In the more-conservative state of Alaska, Murkowski’s disapproval rating edged up to 38 percent, while Sullivan’s was 32 percent. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., Rand Paul, R-Ky., and Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, rounding out the bottom 10 at 39% disapproval. Alaska’s Sens. Share. On Thursday, Murkowski, a ... and he has consistently hovered around the low 40s — which is not a good approval rating.

Long term CTH readers will well remember how Tea Party candidate Joe Miller was backed by Sarah Palin when he stunningly defeated Lisa Murkowski during the republican primary in 2010.. According to a new survey by Morning Consult, Alabama’s senior Senator, Richard Shelby holds a 46 percent approval rating and a 26 percent disapproval rating for a net approval of 17 points. New poll shows Murkowski in tough position on impeachment trial . In 2014 Palin wasn’t very popular back home at … Sen. Lisa Murkowski's comments last week are a case in point. Morning Consult's Senator Approval Rankings On a daily basis, Morning Consult is surveying over 5,000 registered voters across the United States on their senators. Rep. Don Young

After a mockery of an investigation in the House, Senate Republicans must hold a fair, legitimate trial. Morning Consult pegged her approval rating this summer at a tepid 40/43.

Murkowski also holds a commanding 42-point lead in her re-election bid with no challenger showing support of over 12%. Why it matters: It's the lowest net approval rating the president has recorded since October. By Adam Casalino | January 17, 2020. Since Morning Consult’s last release in July, West Virginians’ approval of Capito has fallen 8 points, from 56 percent to 48 percent, according to the survey. Of the 25 senators whose approval ratings fell the most, 18 are Republicans and seven are Democrats. Sens. It’s up to Republican senators to protect our democracy and defend the president. Poll: McConnell is most unpopular senator. Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski proclaims today that she may not be able to support the reelection of President Donald Trump. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, and Jon Tester, D-Mont., 40% disapproval rating. Facebook .

Senator approval ratings are based on survey data collected during the third quarter of 2019 and range from 33% to 65%. If the same state had a Republican senator with the same approval rating, the PARS would be -5 (2-7= -5). By Taylor Clark | Posted: Thu 7:31 PM, Jan 23, 2020 | Updated: Thu 7:41 PM, Jan 23, 2020 . President Trump's approval rating has dropped from 49% to 39%, while his disapproval rating has shot up from 48% to 57%, according to the latest Gallup tracking poll out Wednesday. On November 2, 2010, Lisa Murkowski won re-election to the United States Senate. Alabama’s junior Senator, Doug Jones holds a 41 percent approval rating and a 36 percent disapproval rating for a net approval of five points. A Democratic senator with a net approval of +2 in an R+7 state has a PARS of +9 (2+7 = 9). On the opposite end, Sen. Angus King, I-Maine, and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., both have a 62% job approval rating, but Sanders had a slightly higher disapproval rating of 32%, which served as a tie …