See more ideas about Lentil and bacon soup, Slimming world recipes syn free, Slimming world recipes. Ingredients(0) Dairy / Alternatives. Oct 22, 2019 - Explore pearceberyl's board "Lentil and bacon soup" on Pinterest. Edam Cheese. Slimming World™ Recipe - Hearty Lentil And Bacon Soup. This lentil and bacon soup recipe is a delicious lunch time option. Cheddar Cheese. Danish Blue Cheese. Coconut Milk.

Goats Milk. While you are waiting for the lentils, fry the bacon until crispy, and set to one side. Lentil and bacon soup 1/2 lb chopped smoked back bacon (all fat removed ) 2 tins chopped tomatoes 1 1/2 mugs red lentils 2 onions (chopped) 2-4 carrots (chopped) 2 tsp dried thyme 2 1/2 pints vegetable stock (from a cube is fine) salt and pepper spray oil Flora Light. Instructions.

Egg. Add the (rinsed) lentils, carrots and vegetable stock, bring to the boil, and simmer for 25 minutes. If you'd like to lose weight - without ever feeling hungry - welcome to Slimming World. Feb 6, 2018 - Slimming Eats Syn Free Bacon and Lentil Soup - gluten free, dairy free, Slimming World and Weight Watchers friendly Creme Fraiche. Simmer gently for a further 30 minutes. Emmental Cheese . A hearty, lightly spiced soup with lentils, butternut squash and spinach. We help thousands of members achieve their weight loss dreams - you can too. Lentils and bacon are just one of those combinations that work so well, and this soup has lots of lovely speed veg squeezed into it. Ghee.

Home » Extra Easy » Free Food » Slimming World - Tomato, Lentil and Bacon Soup. After 25 minutes, add the tomatoes, puree and bacon and season well.

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Condensed Milk. Fat-Free Evaporated Milk. Spray a large pot with some spray oil over medium-high heat. Oct 22, 2019 - Explore pearceberyl's board "Lentil and bacon soup" on Pinterest. Blue Cheese. Cartoned Coconut Milk. The soup should be a thick consistency. Add the bacon, and fry until browned, remove and set aside; Spray the pot with cooking oil spray again and add the onion, garlic, carrots, and celery and fry till softened. Gorgonzola. Feta Cheese. Butter. Fromage Frais. I always make a big batch as it freezes really well and is perfect for a quick, filling lunch if you are stuck. Buttermilk. See more ideas about Lentil and bacon soup, Slimming world recipes syn free, Slimming world recipes. Brie Cheese.