Several studies confirmed that the sensitivity of diagnostic tests such as anterior drawer and Lachman would increase in chronic ACL injuries (9, 7, 11). The major difference between these is the degree of knee flexion (90 degrees in the drawer sign and 20-30 degrees in Lachman) Physical examination in women were more sensitive under general anesthesia than in clinic. Assessment of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament is classically done by doing the Anterior Drawer Test but an alternative Lachman test has also been advocated. An anterior drawer test (ADT) is commonly done at the same time as the Lachman test to help confirm the diagnosis of an ACL injury. Athletic trainers should consider whether a clinical test is helpful in establishing a diagnosis and may even confuse the diagnosis.

Anterior drawer and Lachman tests did not have privilege to each other.

Increased hamstring activity can inhibit tibial translation, causing a … Sensitivity of anterior drawer test was 94.4% and sensitivity of Lachman test was 93.5%.

It did not apply in men. Lachman's vs. Anterior Draw Test • Lachman's test may be more difficult for clinicians to perform but tends to be more sensitive • In the anterior draw test knee is positioned so that the hamstrings have a mechanical advantage. USMLE may ask us about these because of the fairly common ACL injury.

Clinically, this review provides certified athletic trainers with statistical evidence that the Lachman test is a valid test for diagnosing ACL rupture, whereas the anterior drawer may be a needless additional test.