Juniperus horizontalis (creeping juniper or creeping cedar) is a low-growing shrubby juniper native to northern North America, throughout most of Canada from Yukon east to Newfoundland, and in the United States in Alaska, and locally from Montana east to Maine, reaching its … Chinese juniper (J. chinensis).Grows very large (50 to 60 feet in height and 15 to 20 feet in spread) with an erect, conical narrow tree form. Juniper conferta - shore juniper Back in stock: Now. A fast-growing ground cover is the ideal solution for those spots in your landscape in which it is difficult to grow anything, like under trees. Others have branches spreading out at … $179.98. Easy care groundcover conifer, suited to erosion control on embankments, container planting and bonsai.

These are extremely hardy and are available in a variety of colours, shapes and textures. Blue Rug Juniper - 30 Live Plants - 4" Container Low Maintenance Evergreen Ground Cover 4.8 out of 5 stars 9. $4.85.

Most of the Ground Cover and Spreading Conifers are Junipers. Sun shade: Sun or semi shade Creeping juniper (Juniperus horizontalis), a hardy, evergreen ground cover, can stand up to some pretty fierce conditions. As an added bonus, a quick-spreading ground cover can be a relatively low-maintenance option that helps to crowd out weeds. In stock. Thanks to its dwarf, ground hugging habit, this tidy Creeping Juniper makes ideal evergreen ground cover in rockeries. Vinca Minor Evergreen Ground Cover Plants (1 Order Contains 50 Bare Root Plants) 3.5 out of 5 stars 245. In the cold regions, this Blue Rug adapts well to snow and frost but it can turn almost purple in seriously cold winters. 920-478-2121. The scale-like, grey-green foliage of this More Info. J. chinensis ‘Procumbens’ or Japanese garden juniper grows to a height of 2 feet and spreads 12 to 20 feet. Only 12 left . Juniperus horizontalis 'Pancake' certainly lives up to its name, reaching just 15cm (6) tall. Box 185 750 South Monroe St. Waterloo, WI 53594
$16.95. When to Plant Creeping Juniper. It thrives in … Blue Rug juniper serves well as a year-round ground cover, its silvery blue foliage turning a bit purplish during the cold winter months.
Some form a very dense flat ground cover which are ideal for suppressing weeds. P.O. For best results, select a ground cover appropriate for your region. Plants have feathery, blue-green foliage on long, wide-spreading, stiff branches. McKay Nursery Company.