how bleaching powder is prepared

how bleaching powder is prepared

How bleaching powder is prepared????. 1. Identification: The substance is bleaching powder.

How is bleaching powder preapared? Reaction-Ca(OH) 2 + Cl 2 → CaOCl 2 + H 2 O Bleaching powder is a yellowish white coloured solid substance.Its chemical name is calcium oxychloride. Write chemical equation of the reaction involved.

This chlorine gas is used for the manufacture of bleaching powder. Answer: The chemical name of bleaching powder is Calcium oxychloride. Find an answer to your question whar is bleacing powder.How it is prepared 1. It is used in paper industry to bleach paper to remove any colour from it.

Bleaching powder is prepared on a large scale by passing the chlorine gas through a solution that contains calcium hydroxide. Identify the substance. How is it prepared? Log in. Q. Ca(OH)2 + Cl2 == CaOCl2 + H2O. rahulkumarshwty3911 16 minutes ago Science Secondary School +5 pts. We need you to answer this question!

Ans. Bleaching powder is prepared by passing gas state of chlorine over dry slaked lime (`Ca(OH)_2` ), this process will gives bleaching powder. In textile mills, a white substance having a strong smell of chlorine is used to remove yellowness of white clothes. Ask your question. Share 0. Join now. Hasenclever plant is used to prepare bleaching powder.

If you know the answer to this question, please register to join our limited beta program and start the conversation right now! Bleaching powder or Calcium hypochlorite (CaOCl2) is mixed salt have two type of anion Cl-(chloride ion ) and OCl-(hypochlorite ion) .it act as oxidizing agent and bleaching agent Bleaching powder has a lot of uses. Preparation of bleaching powder: Bleaching powder is prepared by passing chlorine gas through … How bleaching powder prepared Share with your friends.

Preparation of Bleaching Power : Chlorine gas is produced during electrolysis of aqueous sodium chloride. Ca(OH)₂ … Log in. Bleaching powder is prepared on a large scale basis by passing chlorine gas through a solution of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) which is commonly called as slaked lime.The reaction that occurs is Ca(OH)2 + Cl2(g) → CaOCl2 + H2O .Bleaching powder is mainly used for bleaching … Join now. In this plant, slaked lime is heated with chlorine which results in formation of bleaching powder. Ask questions, doubts, problems and we will help you. Answered Whar is bleacing powder.How it is prepared 2 See answers

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