If you choose to deliver in a private hospital, giving birth in France without insurance can reach up to 5,000 EUR (5,604 USD) in private hospital fees alone.

Americans normally use the in these sentences. The French healthcare system covers both public and private hospitals, doctors and other medical specialists who provide healthcare to every resident in France. Asked in English to French Is ball masculine or feminine in french? France has both state and private hospitals (*cliniques)*. A is a good choice because there are many hospitals in London. In an annual survey of 400 hospitals in France by the publisher of Le Point, the University Hospital of Toulouse was voted to have the best record for the quality of patient care. This helpful guide to the French healthcare system includes everything from finding a doctor or specialist to going to the hospital, dentist, or A&E. It just edged its close rival University Hospital of Toulouse, which took home the crown as the best hospital in France last year. Best International Hospitals in France. He is in hospital now. France hospital numbers fall as Covid-19 death rate drops Issued on: 25/04/2020 - 09:22 Modified: 25/04/2020 - 11:29 The number of people hospitalised with coronavirus continues to fall in France. Related Questions . Your doctor can refer you to either one, and there’s generally no difference in the type or speed of service. He was taken to hospital yesterday. Is hospital in French masculine or feminine?
Therefore, coverage is vital in this case. The Paris hospital authority, AP-HP, was the target of a cyber-attack on March 22, according to France’s cybersecurity agency. Wiki User 2011-01-26 07:02:48. masculin : un hôpital.

If you refer to a person who works in a hospital, an article is needed. You should be able to go to get an appointment with any GP during their working hours. It can be a or the, depending on the context: He works in/at a hospital in London. At is not used in the above sentences.