With a massive 90 percent, brown eyes are the most common eye color in the world. Brown is the most common eye color occurring in about 55 percent of the global population. An estimated 70-90% of the world's population has brown eyes. Its value can be: B (Brown) or b (blue). The brown iris is determined by its pigmentation, and can either appear as dark brown or light brown.

Eye color is a physical trait determined by the pairing of genes from both the parents. Blue Eyes. … The brown eye color is found both in people with light and dark skin color. Aside from sharing the same rich eye color, you're also the proud owners of the most melanin (pigment) within your irises, meaning your eyes are naturally more protected from the sun.

The percentages of people with various eye colors are unknown for many countries. As humans have a variety of different eye colors, the pattern in which eye color is inherited is complex. The baby inherits 50% of eye color genetics material from each of its parents. Eye Color Chart: What Color Eyes Will My Baby Have? Genes mutate to give alternative forms called alleles, and each allele slightly differs from the other.

However, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, 32 percent of Americans have blue or grey eyes; 15 percent have blue, grey or green eyes with brown or yellow flecks; 12 percent have green or light brown eyes with minimal flecks; 16 percent have brown eyes with dark specks; and 25 percent have uniformly brown … Two principal genes are detected as determinants for eye color: EYCL3 (localized on chromosome 15) and EYCL1 (localized on chromosome 19).

There’s nothing like daydreaming about what your unborn baby will look like before he or she enters the world. Eye color distributions vary by geographic region. Brown is the most common eye color occurring in about 55 percent of the global population.

For example, the percentage of dark brown eyes found in Asian and African populations is much higher than in European populations. Color extraction works for JPEGs, PNGs, and GIFs. Brown eyes are more prevalent in Asia, Australia and Africa than most other places on earth. The EYCL3 gene determines the amount of melanin present in our eye color, light eyes or dark eyes. One reason why brown is expressed in such high percentages is the fact that it is genetically a dominant color. Here are some useful charts regarding eye color and distribution. Approximately 8% to 10% of the world has blue eyes. Although people with green eyes are relatively rare, accounting for less than 2 percent of the world’s population, that still adds up to approximately 150 million people across the globe. Hazel Eye Color: Let’s take a look at the “Eye Color Chart Percentages” in the world. Eye color percentages vary according to which population is studied. In East Asia and Africa, for example, dark brown eyes are … The most common eye colour in the mankind is brown (Most likely 70-80% of the world’s population, in many parts of Asia, Africa, the Americas it is the only eye color outside of the condition of albinism). Eye Color Percentages Brown Eyes. Even an eye color chart … Unlike other traits, a simple gene can’t determine your eye color. MulticolorEngine will display a color palette for all the colors identified in your image.

Color extraction A TinEye Lab powered by MulticolorEngine. There is no blue pigmentation in the eye of blue-eyed... Hazel Eyes… And some day, blue may be a rare eye color.

Unfortunately, there is no way to know for sure what color eyes your little one will have.