9 Reasons Your Crocus May Not Bloom. True bulbs True bulbs, such as daffodils, tulips, hyacinths, and snowdrops, often have a papery skin or tunic on […] Did you know that there are numerous varieties to choose from? Flower colors include blue, violet, striped, yellow, and white, and height ranges from 3 to 6 inches. Some are deer resistant, others are extra hardy, and with their colorful hues, all are gorgeous. Flower “bulbs” come in these forms: true bulbs, corm, tuber, tuberous root, and rhizome. with petite, ground-hugging flowers. So, what you might think of as a flower bulb may not be a bulb at all — botanically speaking, that is.

Crocus brings early spring color to the landscape by popping out of the ground (sometimes through snow!) Some species of bee, such as honeybees meanwhile don’t hibernate, so they will become more active and start collecting nectar as soon as your spring flowers arrive. Because the plants flower so early, crocuses adapt well to planting in lawns and will multiply over time to cover large areas. Crocus tommasinianus is native to hillsides and woodland areas from southern Hungary into the northern Balkans. East Africans treat malaria with a beverage made from its leaf sap and corms, and a rheumatism-treating drink from its roots. The sweet nectar hidden among the brightly coloured petals of early spring flowers can be a lifeline for hungry insects. Large sections of crocus planted beneath deciduous trees create a spectacular sight. Crocus vernus is an early spring blooming bulb (actually a corm) that is primarily native to high alpine areas in Europe (Pyrenees, Alps and Carpathians). Check out our roundup of 11 of our favorite crocus varieties for your garden now. Because of the cold conditions in their native habitat, for best results, Colchicum Autumnale Autumn Crocus seeds require at least 30 days of cold stratification to achieve any germination and will often require more than 60 days of cold stratification to achieve best results (germination can be sporadic if conditions are not ideal). Many popular hybrids of this crocus have been developed over the years. Pale lavender to reddish-purple, long-tubed, goblet-shaped flowers with white throats bloom in late winter to early spring (March in St. Louis) on plants rising to 4" tall. It is commonly called snow crocus because it is one of the earliest of the crocuses to bloom. By: Garden Guides Team 09 October, 2017 ... Its orange flowers produce edible yellow dye for coloring foods.

Species plants and hybrids are commonly called Dutch crocus, large flowering crocus, giant crocus or spring crocus. Learn more about Autumn Crocus uses, effectiveness, possible side effects, interactions, dosage, user ratings and products that contain Autumn Crocus Select varieties that mature at different times to extend the bloom season. Crocosmias. Nothing brightens the spirit better than a field of early-spring crocuses.

How to Plant Crocosmia Lucifer. This plant also possesses the power to jazz up rock gardens, brighten the ground in front of shrubs, and line sidewalks with splashes of color.