Dwarf European Cranberry Bush . Viburnum, European Dwarf Cranberry; Dwarf European Cranberry Viburnum. Water Needs. Delivery Information View Product Description . 12 Species of Viburnum Shrubs. Written by. Dwarf Walter's Viburnum Viburnum obovatum 'Densa' Sku #2008. Read on for information about small viburnum shrubs.

A tight globe, crowded with slender branches with rounded, lobed leaves that are lustrous dark green turning wine-red in autumn.

Viburnum opulus 'Nanum' Be the first to review this product. The species plant Viburnum opulus (European cranberrybush viburnum) bears attractive berries. What is Hardy Shrub? It's only marginal popularity is likely due to the fact that it scarsely ever develops the white flowers, let alone cranberries, which are so abundant on the original V. opulus. Vanessa Richins Myers is a seasoned horticulturist, garden writer and educator with 10+ years of experience in the horticulture and gardening space. F.D. Browse pictures and read growth / cultivation information about Viburnum, Fragrant Viburnum (Viburnum farreri) 'Nanum' supplied by member gardeners in the PlantFiles database at Dave's Garden. Hardy Shrub. FROM £17.99. If you are looking … Viburnum carlesii, the highly fragrant Korean spice viburnum, has smaller flower clusters.

Updated 06/01/20. Partial to full sun .

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Light Needs. Learn about The Spruce's Editorial Process. Viburnum opulus 'Nanum', the Dwarf European Cranberry Bush, originated in France in 1841, a cultivar rarely offered in our local nurseries. Light Needs. Half the size of the species with densely spaced, small leaves that become red in winter. If you are a gardener with a smaller yard, you won’t be able to plant the Koreanspice viburnum (Viburnum carlesii), the shade tolerant shrub with intoxicatingly fragrant spring flowers. Greenish-white flowers appear in late spring. Richards / Flickr / Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Semi-evergreen to deciduous. Clusters of small white flowers cover the plant followed by shiny red to black berries. "Nanum" is a dwarf variety that grows only two feet tall and three feet wide. Dwarf Types of Viburnum. Capable of withstanding outdoor winter temperatures down to -15C. Vanessa Richins Myers. Vanessa Richins Myers. This variety can grow to 8 feet (2 m.) tall, a formidable size for a small garden. Add to Wishlist; Share This.

Woody plant, usually having a permanent framework of branches. Viburnum opulus 'Nanum' Dwarf Guelder Rose. Product Description.