dog food guaranteed analysis calculator

dog food guaranteed analysis calculator

PNA may adjust the formulations based on new data findings. That’s because pet food companies report the nutrient content of their products using something known as Guaranteed Analysis.. Or they look on the manufacturers’ websites or even give them a call to get more information on nutrient levels. Example: dog food containing 21% protein and 3250 kcal/kg (21/3250) X 10000 = 64.6 g protein per 1000 kcal. For example, the Dog Food Advisor dog food calculator allows you to input your dog’s ideal body weight and activity level in order to determine how much your dog should eat per day to achieve that ideal weight. You can use this calculator to calculate the calorie content of dog food or cat food by determining the amount of calories in a serving using the analytical constituents or guaranteed analysis. The formulas and values that we've used in this calculator are shown below. This can be explained by looking at relative moisture contents. Based on your dog's weight and age, you can double check to make sure that you are providing enough calories in dog food, without overfeeding. “As fed” numbers make it very difficult to compare foods because they don’t take into account the variable levels of water or calories in different foods. ... a dry dog food versus another dry dog food). The calculator below can be used for puppies, adult and senior dogs. These are real dry dog foods that both have the same % of calcium as fed. August 07, 2017 in Pet Nutrition Basics. RER Weight Management Energy Recommendation. Then, for each nutrient you wish to compare, divide the reported nutrient level by the product’s dry matter percentage.

Many owners use the label to compare the amounts of nutrients in different pet foods. The formulas and values that we've used in this calculator are shown below. Pet Food Calculator: Comparing nutrient levels between two pet foods. There are other important comparisons (like ingredients) but the Guaranteed Analysis will always contain essential nutritional values like protein, fat, fiber and moisture. However, when comparing the guaranteed analyses between dry and moist (raw/canned) products, one will note that the levels of crude protein and most other nutrients are much lower for the moist product. To compare two pet foods, first you must calculate the percentage of “dry matter” in each pet food by subtracting the percentage of moisture in the guaranteed analysis from 100 percent.

Including various activity levels, as well as at differing life stages. This calculator is only a guideline. If those 172 calories came from fat (remember, the fat percentage stated in the Guaranteed Analysis is stated as minimum) – 172 divided by 8.5 = 20 grams.

NextGen Dog dog food reviews aim to provide 100% objective and thorough analysis of popular dog food brands.It is important for us that pet owners understand how the analysis of dog foods is performed and what classification system we use to come up with a final rating. -The percentages of protein, fat, and fiber shown on dog food labels are guaranteed minimums and maximums, NOT actual amounts.

Regular monitoring and consideration of outside factors is critical for achieving safe and healthy weight management outcomes. Since 1958, PFI has been the voice of the makers of U.S. cat and dog food. Guaranteed Analysis Converter; Request Veterinary Approval; Contact Us; Work Directly With A Board Certified Veterinary Nutritionist™ Homemade Food. I am opening a pet bakery and need to determine guaranteed analysis for my products. The real amount of fat in particular may be much higher than what is shown on the label of some canned and raw diets.

How do I calculate the Guaranteed Analysis in my pet treats? The breed specific dog food calculator below can help you determine how much to feed your German Shepherd. If your dog’s food only provides a protein %, use this conversion equation: Grams of protein per 1000 kcal = (% protein divided by kcal/kg ME) X by 10,000. If your dog needs a low-fat diet, look for products that are lower in calories than similar foods.

As an example, think about the two foods in Table 1 below.

Based on your dog's weight and age, you can double check to make sure that you are providing enough calories in dog food, without overfeeding. Adult Dog (0.8 * RER) MER (for BCS 4 & 5) Intact Dog (1.6 * RER) Neutered Dog (1.4 * RER) RER = Resting Energy Requirement (70 * body weight (or ideal body weight) in kg^0.75)

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