The paws on a kangaroo’s front legs are very different to those on the back. Does a kangaroo have a back bone? already exists as an alternate of this question. Kangaroo hands. The dorsal vertebrae have long projections which allow for the large muscles of the limbs to attach. The major function of the vertebral column is to protect the spinal cord; it also is an attachment for many muscles. Dogs have a total of thirty vertebrae in their spines. already exists. The tail’s anatomy boasts large muscles (which cover all those vertebrae) similar in power to those used by the human leg while walking.
In humans, it further transmits body weight in walking and standing. A kangaroo’s backbone is comprised of 49-53 vertebrae: 7 in the neck, 21-25 in the tail, and 13 dorsal. They’re also curved and clawed, and are used for more delicate tasks like grooming or feeding. They have seven cervical vertebrae, thirteen thoracic vertebrae, seven lumbar vertebrae and three sacral vertebrae. Kangaroo forepaws are much smaller than their hindpaws, have five fingers and aren’t too dissimilar from human hands, although they don’t have a thumb. Would you like to make it the primary and merge this question into it?

Not only does a red kangaroo use its tail to help walk and balance, but also to conserve important energy. MERGE CANCEL.
Cats have seven cervical vertebrae like almost all mammals, thirteen thoracic vertebrae (humans have twelve), seven lumbar vertebrae (humans have five), three sacral vertebrae (humans have five because of their bipedal posture), and, except for Manx cats and other shorter tailed cats, twenty-two … Vertebral column, in vertebrate animals, the flexible column extending from neck to tail, made of bones called vertebrae. Does a kangaroo have paired appendages vertebral column? ... the 33 vertebrae and the ribcage. MERGE CANCEL.

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