Shop blue cool splash lowbush honeysuckle foundation/hedge shrub in pot (with soil) (l24804) in the shrubs section of ... Blue Cool Splash Lowbush Honeysuckle Foundation/Hedge Shrub in Pot (With Soil) (L24804) ... Diervilla lonicera 'Cool Splash' Bloom Color Family.

The flowers are bisexual, irregular, and large, with yellow or greenish-yellow bilabiate corollas, in groups of three to seven at the tips of young axillary or apical branchlets. A tough plant that does well even with inhospitable soil types. Frunzele de tip sesile, sunt verzi cu margini galbene primavara si vara, iar toamna partea verde se coloreaza in rosu. The Cool Splash Dwarf Bush Honeysuckle has bright variegated, white and green foliage that stands out nicely, even in shady borders. Benannt ist die Gattung nach dem französischen Chirurgen und Botaniker Dr. Marin Dierville. Diervilla sessifolia 'LPDC Podaras' A small shady nook is one of the hardest areas in which to design a garden. The bush honeysuckle shrub (Diervilla lonicera) has yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers that look very much like honeysuckle blossoms.This American native is very cold hardy and undemanding, making bush honeysuckle care a snap. While supplies last. High-wattage yellow flowers flutter over brooding, dark reddish-purple foliage. Gule blomster Blomstrer i Juli-august Bliver op til 150 cm. Short Description.

Top prune the plant to improve the shape and reduce its size, but be careful not to remove more than 30% of the top growth. Les fleurs du Diervilla comportent un calice à 5 sépales soudés allongés, une corolle en tube de 1 à 2 cm plus ou moins bilabié, ouvert sur 5 lobes étroits, 5 étamines et 1 pistil saillants. høj Efterårsfarver Gule/Røde/Grønne Sol-halvskygge Die hierzulande noch zum Teil unbekannten Pflanzen beeindrucken vor allem im Übergang vom Sommer zum Herbst. This is more of a slower grower than Diervilla lonicera. Überprüfe deshalb die Eigenschaften und die tagesaktuellen Preise im Onlineshop unserer Partner.) Nowa odmiana zadrzewni, hodowli Peter Podaras, USA. The variegated foliage remains on the shrub into November before it falls off.

Diervilla sessilifolia 'LPDC Podaras' First Editions® Cool Splash® Dwarf Bush Honeysuckle. If you have a steep hill on your property, or a hot, dry area, or even a marshy low spot you don't know what to do with, try the native groundcover shrub with a bounty of eye-catching yellow summer blooms.Native to the United States, the Dwarf Bush Honeysuckle (Diervilla lonicera) is a small deciduous bush with ornamental features and a carefree attitude. Diervilla are florile de culoare galben-pal sunt parfumate si rezista circa 8 saptamani. Part sun. Prune these spring flowering shrubs soon after they have bloomed. Diervilla a genus of deciduous shrubs of the family Caprifoliaceae, closely related to the genus Weigela. The color is especially intense in spring and autumn. Diervilla – Pruning, Winter Care and Fertilizing. Dieser führte die Diervilla aus dem ehemaligen französischen Kolonialgebiet Acadien, das sich im Nordosten Nordamerikas befand, in Europa ein. Diervilla sessilifolia, commonly called southern bush honeysuckle, is a compact, suckering, deciduous shrub which typically grows to 3-5’ tall. Some summer pruning can also be done on particularly vigorous plants, but not after mid-July. Hardiness is not a concern with this cleanly variegated plant. Krzew gęsty, zwarty, o pokroju kulistym, dorastający do 1 m wysokości. Related Hybrid. But, the native Yellow or Red Honeysuckle vine (Lonicera spp.) Lore: A native of the southeastern United States, D. rivularis is found along bluffs, cliffs and otherwise rocky terrain of the wooded areas of the southern region of the Appalachians. Read on to learn about growing Diervilla honeysuckles and … We have not had Lonicera vines in root for for quite some time as they are very difficult and slow to grow. Cannot be applied to previous orders. New introduction from Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. Als typisierende Art gilt Diervilla lonicera. Diervilla cu denumirea stiintifica "Diervilla sessilifolia Cool Splash" este o tufa de dimensiuni mici, maxim un metru, din familia caprifoiului. I have my Diervilla ‘Cool Splash’ next to pink Monarda (Bee Balm) and the bloom color contrasts beautifully with the bright foliage. Cool Splash Dievilla tolerates shade, drought, erosion, … Diervilla lonicera - Weigelien-Dierville. Whether it’s under a large tree or in a tiny bed alongside a sheltered patio, this area needs a dwarf shrub that magnetizes the senses in order to become a focal point.