Although performing a competitive analysis isn’t rocket science, it does go beyond the few simple Google searches needed to identify your competitors. One undisputed fact for every entrepreneur is that their businesses will always have a competitor, if not competitors.

Use a competitive analysis template to consider and capture details of the marketing landscape in which your business exists, so you can improve your marketing decisions. Share This!

It goes without saying that understanding the competitive landscape is crucial to identifying competitors and succeeding in the market. Get a full competitive analysis framework that's been real-world tested, and learn the tips and tricks for capturing competitor data and conducting research. A few examples include: Competitive Analysis Template Features: A Competitive Analysis template is a simple framework in order to identify the general and strategic properties of each company you are looking for. Discover how and where to find information on your industry and competitors and analyze that data. Consulting firms, such as Corporate Business Solutions Reviews, and academic strategists over the years have studied countless organizations and derived several competitive analysis frameworks. Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Email. The value of running a competitor analysis and how to get your stakeholders on board; Clear and actionable steps for figuring out who your competitors … Download free, customizable templates for the web, social media, general business analysis, and to present findings. The risks in the competition which countermeasures can be arranged. For an entrepreneur/ business person to penetrate whichever market successfully, he or she should always identify their competitors. You will learn. To help you conduct a competitive analysis, we’ve created a few free templates loosely based on the Summary Competitive Analyses we conduct for our own Research Partners here at MECLABS. Access our competitive analysis template , which will guide you through an analysis of your online marketing performance relative to … How to Conduct Your Competitive Analysis. Bonus: A Free Competitor Analysis Framework Template If you’re looking for a template to help analyze your competitors across the online landscape, you’re in luck. Whether you’re a startup trying to break into the marketplace, a consultant trying to get results for your client, or an established company looking to cement your foothold against the competition, a well-researched competitive analysis gives you the tools you need to make strategic decisions.. Conducting a competitive analysis helps you better understand what competitors are doing, as well as better communicate with your customers about how you can best serve them. Learn all about competitive and competitor analysis for your business, from forming the right questions and determining your competitors to creating a written report. Competitive Analysis Templates.