Due to industrial revolution, demand for various raw materials, such as ores, has increased many times.

Overexploitation of natural resources like forests has resulted in deforestation and this will lead to habitat loss of many species of animals and microorganisms.
In order to truly understand the basis of what overexploitation is a definition will be provided. Overpopulation. But they do so instinctively. Man overexploit natural resources for his comforts. Overconsumption and waste. Major causes of resource depletion are: Population growth: With the increase in population the depletion of natural resources will also increase.

Much of this traumatic exploitation of natural resources traces its origins to early colonialism. Natural resources are those that our planet offers us without the need for human intervention.

Overexploitation—the overuse of wild animal and plant species by people—is threatening wildlife in the United States.

Overpopulation and Over-exploitation of Resources; As the human population keeps on enlarging, there is a lot of pressure on the utilization of natural resources. As a result mining, activities increased about ten-fold and the natural resources quantity of metals consumed during the entire history of mankind.

More: Consequences of Depletion of Natural Resources. Likely due to urbanization various forest are cut down to make roads, there are various biodiversity affected due to this effect.

And as countries search for more resources to exploit, an enormous toll is being taken on the planet. sobreexplotación de los recursos naturales . Due to industrial revolution, demand for various raw materials, such as ores, has increased many times. Direct Causes: Overexploitation Using whale hunting as an example, this webpage explains how animals and marine life have been subject to overexploitation by humans. With 7 billion people on the planet, the demand on Earth’s resources continue to increase.
Causes of over exploitation of natural resources can be explained through using the three sociological perspectives. Deforestation is not always followed by reforestation.

Once used, these resources are lost forever as they are non-renewable. This is the excessive and unnecessary use of resources. Continued overexploitation can lead to the destruction of the resource.

This overexploitation of natural resources is disturbing the environment in many ways.

Several indicators point to overexploitation of reef resources by local fisheries.