“Bower Vine” A lush evergreen vine of tropical appearance that’s easy to grow in colder climates. Quickly reaching 15-25’ tall with rich green and glossy divided leaves provide a very attractive background for a profusion of trumpet shaped bright pink flowers with a deep red throat. Jasmine is a sacred flower to the Greeks.

She is nesting in a bower vine. $3.99 Bower Vine - Pandora.

I named the momma "Pandora" and the babies Jasmine and Bryani. Pandora is Greek for "all gifts".

$2.99 Passiflora caerulea - Blue Passion Flower.


Because of this, the hummingbird nesting season is different than that of other birds. The scientific name is Pandorea jasminoides - Hence - Pandora and Jasmine. Trumpet vine (Campsis radicans) is a flowering vine that can be found over a wide portion of the United States.In many areas of the country, they are considered invasive and killing trumpet vine in these areas can be difficult. Bryani is greek for a "flowering vine". Vines Honeysuckle, Lonicera heckrottii - vine grows up … Welcome to Bella's gallery . $5.99 Passiflora edulis - Purple Passion Flower. But with a little understanding, you can get rid of trumpet vine or even just contain trumpet vine to a small area so that you can enjoy their lovely, if unruly, beauty. $2.99 Passiflora coccinea Scarlet Passionflower. Hummingbird mating is a lot like other bird mating rituals with differences based on the size of hummingbirds. So, yes, as its name implies, bower vine is really meant for growing up and over an arbor or a gazebo to create a leafy retreat, but it is also suitable for growing up a trellis or a chain-link fence. Virgin's Bower (Climbing Clematis), Clematis viticella - There are two varieties of this shrub: 1 blue / purple-blue and a red.
Sort by ... Pandorea jasminoides Pink Bower Vine. Distictis buccinatoria - Blood-Red Trumpet Vine, Bignonia cherere, is a colorful, evergreen vine best used in mild winter areas such as coastal California south of … Trumpet Vine or Trumpet Creeper, Campsis radicans - the flowers are orange to red in color with a yellowish throat.


The name "hummingbird" comes from the hum noise created by their rapidly beating wings. Her babies hatched on April 10 & 11, 2016.

Browse by. Bella Hummingbird's Photo Gallery. $3.99 Parthenocissus tricuspidata - Boston Ivy.