Clinical Studies Show Red Light Helps You Sleep Better. You can be immersed in red light at night without giving your body a jolt and altering your internal clock like blue light does. exposure of the skin to specific wavelengths of light using polychromatic polarised light to treat a skin condition.. Blue light therapy for Crigler Najjar Syndrome: Patients with Crigler Najjar Syndrome need to spend extended amounts of time under blue light every day, for life. It has five light intensity settings to choose from, and it filters out UV rays to protect your eyes. Red light is ideal for evenings because it has a low color temperature, far lower than regular sunlight. You've heard that late-night exposure to blue light, like the glow from your tech devices, can wreck your sleep. Light therapy—or phototherapy, classically referred to as heliotherapy—consists either of A.) Background. Light therapy can be used to help night owls wake up faster in the morning, and morning owls stay more awake later in the day. However, despite the quantity of hours spent under blue light on a daily basis (typically 10 hours or … Blue light glasses are a trending topic, because they offer so many health benefits. blue LED light, or short-wavelength light) is a type of high-energy visible light, defined as having a wavelength between 400 and 450 nm. (Shed a tear for all those hours spent scrolling through Instagram under the covers.) This includes wavelengths between violet and cyan in the spectrum. They work by blocking a portion of the blue light wavelength from reaching your eyes. Narrow-spectrum blue light (a.k.a. Discover benefits of light therapy and how sleep and wake-up lights and energy lights can help you fall asleep fast, wake up naturally, and improve your mood and energy during the day. Wear Blue Light Glasses. If you’re looking for a blue light therapy lamp, you should consider the well-received Philips goLITE BLU Energy Light Therapy Lamp. This compact lamp gives off a blue light that’s supposed to be as effective as 10,000 lux white light. Blue light is a range of the visible light spectrum, defined as having a wavelength between 400−525 nm. exposure to daylight or some equivalent form of light as a treatment for seasonal affective disorder (SAD) or B.)

Light therapy in combination with sleep restriction has been shown to be an effective way of raising mood in depressed people.