Consider some of the tips for lowering your blood sugar level. NORMAL blood sugars will "spike" into the 200's after a heavy meal, but they will drop back to normal in about 3 hours. Loading... Unsubscribe from Beat Your Diabetes?
This page states ‘normal’ blood sugar ranges and blood sugar ranges for adults and children with type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes and blood sugar ranges to determine people with diabetes.. I was told once that when glucose measures 12 mg/dL or less a person cannot be revived. Given your readings you are in some serious trouble!

A new study now finds that seniors being treated for type 1 diabetes may be spending more than an hour daily with low blood sugar levels—and a significant part of that time with levels low enough to put them at risk for loss of consciousness, seizures…and even death. People with diabetes need to check their blood (sugar) glucose levels often to determine if they are too low (hypoglycemia), normal, or too high (hyperglycemia).
Above 240 the diabetes is listed as out of control. And if you have a blood sugar level of 300 or up, remember it’s a medical emergency and you need to get consulted immediately.

Understanding blood glucose level ranges can be a key part of diabetes self-management. If at any point an individual's blood sugar measures below or above the 55 to 180mg/dL thresholds, however, he might begin experiencing the effects of abnormal blood levels, including dizziness, fatigue, and weakness. This page states ‘normal’ blood sugar ranges and blood sugar ranges for adults and children with type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes and blood sugar ranges to determine people with diabetes.. In the diabetic, the spike will be to 300 or more, and never drop back to normal. ADA's range are the re Medical Edge: The Danger Zone Of Low Blood Sugar. But if you are diagnosed with diabetes, a more normal range for you may be between 80 and 180 milligrams per deciliter, according to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. A level which points towards 160-240 is a called a very high level. Without diabetes, your blood sugar should stay within the range of 70 to 120 milligrams per deciliter. If these dangerous levels are sustained over a period of time, there is an increased possibility of serious medical issues. Understanding blood glucose level ranges can be a key part of diabetes self-management. Blood sugar levels that are too high over time put you at risk for all kinds of health problems. If you rely on insulin injections or certain pills to manage your diabetes, you’re at risk of low blood sugar, called hypoglycemia. "Danger" zone is a constant reading of above 130.

An ideal range of blood sugar level is 90-160. Normal blood sugar levels for diabetics before eating (fasting) range from 80 mg/dL to 130 mg/dL while the high range starts at 180 mg/dL. A blood sugar chart identifies ideal levels throughout the day, especially before and after meals. Blood Sugar Test: Fruit & The Diabetic. Is there a limit for a person to survive hypoglycemia? I have type 1 diabetes, and I have experienced a few severe hypoglycemic reactions. My sugar level is 191 without fasting and with fasting is 133 what level my sugar I consider my slef in danger zone.please reply thanx Yes , this is high sugar, if you continue in the same range for more time can hamper organs. Does fruit raise blood sugar? norma sugar range fasting <100, PPBS < 140 That's for everyone. Learn about the health complications high blood glucose can cause.

What Is The A1c Danger Zone? - … But blood sugar that’s too low is also dangerous—and can cut life short more quickly.

Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, is a common complication of diabetes. In case your blood sugar level is more than 200 mg/dl, persisting for more than two days, then this is considered as dangerous level, and you need further evaluation. 180 to 250 mg/dL: You’re getting close to the danger zone for higher blood sugar levels. Beat Your Diabetes. Although you can feel thirsty, tired, hungry, or have frequent urination or blurry vision when blood sugar creeps into the danger zone, often there are no symptoms at all.