Four cultivars of red beetroot (Beta vulgaris) were evaluated with respect to their betalain and phenolic contents.

They're also a fascinating example of how many years of selective breeding by farmers can turn one original plant species into a whole range of different varieties, providing us with resources from sugar to salad vegetables. (2011) also evaluated antimicrobial and antioxidant potential of beetroot pomace extract. One of the peers Canadanović-Brunet et al. Figure 4. from Beta vulgaris.

... nitrate and reduction of other dissolved solids to a significant level in addition to obtaining a betalain rich concentrate from beetroot juice.

Consumer concern over artificial food additives has stimulated production of pigments from natural sources. At 1.5% ascorbic acid enzyme activity in beetroot extract was completely nill. Beetroot make a useful and easily available resource for the science lab. , Colour of betalain can be retained by addition of ascorbic acid. However, whole beetroot sample was used for extraction of betalains in current study.

Both betanin and vulgaxanthin belong to the betalain-group of colours.
beetroot betalainic constituent like betacyanins and betaxanthins have been removed in juice.

5 Effect of pulsed electric field treatment of whole beetroot on the extraction of betalains (betacyanins and betaxanthins) of the extracted juice. Immediately after extraction, betanine is exposed to degradation.

Maximum recovery of Betalains was obtained using PEG 6000 and ammonium sulphate in ATPE. Structure . Betalain rich functional extract with reduced salts and nitrate content from red beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) using membrane separation technology. 80-90% of sugar content in Betalains was removed from Betalains in final purification process. The pigment stability is influenced by factors such as enzymes, temperature, oxygen and pH (Pedreno and Escribano, 2001).

Beetroot extract is used as a food colour and has E-number E162. Betalain pigments extracted from red beet (Beta vulgaris) roots provide a natural alternative to synthetic red dyes. The compounds were analysed using HPLC and identified by HPLC-DAD, HPLC-ESI-MS and NMR techniques.