There are two main types: double and single. J OSEPH TYCHONIEVICH, a garden writer and backyard plant breeder and passionate flower grower, has gone on a bit of a sunflower binge, declaring it his personal Year of the Sunflower. Zinnias, Sunflowers, Lisanthius - Get your Feel Good Flowers Today! Zinnias are perennial flowering plants in frost-free climates, but they are grown as annuals elsewhere. . Planting giant zinnias in your landscape will add color and interest as well as attract butterflies to your property. Zinnia flowers come in a reage of appearances, from a single row of petals, to the dome shaped variety. Humbling to say the very least. Zinnias and sunflowers make wonderful cut flowers, so it seemed only fitting that Hackley focuses on the production of these two. Direct Sow Flower Seeds. I have never seen a sunflower or zinnia blossom and grow, so the whole process fascinates me. Not many people know about the dark side of sunflowers (Helianthus annuus).

Most plant growers at some point in their horticultural careers have “pinched” back or removed flowers from marigolds or zinnias and other ornamental species.

sunflowers, sweet peas, zinnias and more, with joseph tychonievich. Sunflowers..zinnias..chickens.. a hay wagon ride.. the owner..his grandparents lived in his home.. his parents..him..61 yrs old he the place was owned over 100 yrs ago plus plus by his family..his 3 children help.. an engineer..and his daughter does all the bio cultivation.

J OSEPH TYCHONIEVICH, a garden writer and backyard plant breeder and passionate flower grower, has gone on a bit of a sunflower binge, declaring it his personal Year of the Sunflower. 46 likes.

349 Shares. Likewise, they may have cut a branch or stem from a tree or bush. Zinnias come as yellow, orange, white, red, rose, pink, purple, lilac and multi-colored blooms. The sunflowers and zinnias are an experiment in growing flowers from seed and it’s been a fun journey. Double have a ruffly look and singles are more classic looking.

Take care of flower beds pull weeds,plant flowers and water outside plants while you are away. When Sunflowers Kill! A soaker hose is ideal for keeping foliage and petals dry while providing much-needed irrigation. Zinnia care should include watering at the base of the plant. When you are at a garden barbecue you might have a guest ask you if you pinch your sunflowers.

Zinnias work as cut flowers. Sunflowers, zinnias and marigolds. Zahara Yellow is short but sweet—we paired it with petite sunflowers in the entry beds at the Regenstein Fruit & Vegetable Garden. . Caring for Zinnias.

Standard. They’re not as showy as zinnias and sunflowers, but they are easy to grow and a beautiful addition to your cutting garden. Zinnia care may also include watering in the early morning, which allows the foliage and flowers ample time to dry off before nightfall. How to Plant Giant Zinnias.


Browse zinnias, sunflowers, marigold, and more! Sunflowers (Helianthus annuus) is an annual plant with a large daisy-like flower face.Its scientific name comes from the Greek words helios (“sun”) and anthos (“flower”).The flowers come in many colors (yellow, red, orange, maroon, brown) but they are commonly bright yellow with brown centers that ripen into heavy heads filled with seeds.

After 1pm from @branchingoutsc .

The simplest garden solution. Zinnia varieties include both miniatures and giants that range from about a foot to over three feet tall.

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The sunflowers and zinnias are an experiment in growing flowers from seed and it’s been a fun journey. The sunflowers are taking their own sweet time to bloom, so more pictures to come when they finally open up! Share 330. Tweet. The flowers appear slightly different but everything else about them is exactly the same. However, the beautiful bright blooms do hide a nasty secret: sunflowers are allelopathic, that is, they give off toxins (terpenes and various phenolic compounds) from all their parts (roots, leaves, stems, flowers, seeds, etc.) Zahara™ zinnias top out at just 8 to 12 inches—and are prized for their resistance to powdery mildew and leaf spot (see below). Zinnias & Sunflowers. I can’t believe how tall they are. They are supposed to keep the bugs away. Sow these seeds directly into the garden, and watch the magic unfold!

The Care & Maintenance of Zinnia Flowers.

To Pinch Or Not To Pinch? I have never seen a sunflower or zinnia blossom and grow, so the whole process fascinates me. The marigolds are a great companion plant to tomatoes.

THEY WORK SO HARD. So, we need to talk about it. . Pretty sunflowers can be fatal to neighboring plants. I planted flowers in my garden a few months ago.