SAS Macro code has two components: Macros and Macro variables. The intermediate summary is then appended to the base … In the below example the value of the variable 'today' is written to … It requires at least one numeric variable whereas Proc Freq does not have such limitation. We can use the symput function to get information from a data file to a SAS Macro variable. It is often useful to perform some computation and use the result in the following procedure or data step. The data passed through the first iteration of the DO loop is the source data and is summarized at the lowest level of details. proc means data = somedata sum var1; output out = sumtable sum = sum; run; The sum I want to use as a variable in the next step. 3. However, the Macro in proc univariate generate too many separate dataset due to loop t from 1 to 310. They’re a pretty important part of SAS but when I had just started people told me not to worry about them and to just enter values by hand. It can also be used to calculate several other metrics such as percentiles, quartiles, standard deviation, variance and sample t-test. PROC MEANS honors the SAS system option THREADS except when a BY statement is specified or the value of the SAS system option CPUCOUNT is less than 2. PROC MEANS is one of the most common SAS procedure used for analyzing data.

• The typical hypotheses for a two-sample t-test are: H o: µ = µ H a: µ ≠µ • Key assumptions: underlying the two-sample t-test are that the random SAS does provide a way to append the statistic as suffix to the variable name. SAS® Macros: Beyond the Basics . Ron Coleman, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC .

PROC MEANS ; VAR variablenliste; ; ; >; ; RUN; SAS gibt als Standard die Größe der Stichprobe (N), der arithmetische Mittelwert (MEAN), die Standardabweichung (Std Dev) und den jeweilig kleinsten (Minimum) und größten (Maximum) Wert der Stichprobe.

Re: how to use macro to do proc means and proc contents %macro summarize; *your sas code; %mend; %macro sum; proc sort data= bp2 & sum; by patientid; run; PROC means DATA= bp2 & sum; var wvr_:; run; % mend; data want; Test that it works by calling it. Re: Proc Means loop Macro with interactions Posted 12-13-2016 (2428 views) | In reply to Leon27607 Many users here don't want to download Excel files because of virus potential, others have such things blocked by security software. The SAS language provides syntax that enables you to quickly specify a list of variables. Coupled with that plus the variable list you perhaps could do something like: Proc means data=sashelp.pricedata noprint; var price: ; output out=work.medians median= cv= /autoname; run; Calculating all of the values in one pass. Consultant Ann White also demonstrates techniques for using the macro IN operator in SAS …