2. Use a pizza wheel or a sharp knife to slice the pastry into 7 thick slices vertically. 1. Slice each of the strips in half, and layer the two thinner strips on top of each other, with the orange sugar facing inwards.

In a small saucepan, make a simple syrup: add the water and sugar, cook on medium heat, and stir until sugar is dissolved. Tip onto a very lightly floured surface, knead briefly until smooth, then chill in the fridge for 30 mins or until firm. Process for a few secs until the mixture forms clumps. Caramelized puff pastry rounds are covered with pastry cream and orange segments and finished with a glaze. Preheat oven to 400°F . On a lightly floured board, roll the dough into a rectangle twice as long as the butter dough.

Remove the flour dough from the refrigerator. 450 g wheel of Brie cheese.

The pastry can be made …

Sprinkle the orange sugar over the puff pastry and use the rolling pin to press it into the puff pastry.

Directions. 1 egg, lightly whisked.

½ cup orange marmalade.

If you need to, add a few extra tsps orange juice to bring the pastry together. Directions for: Orange Baked Brie in Puff Pastry Ingredients. 2 Tbsp Grand Marnier. Puff Pastry for Orange Tart. 1 pkg frozen puff pastry, separated and each piece rolled into an 8" by 8" square. While the puff pastry is in the oven, prepare the candied orange slices: Slice the oranges into thin slices (mine were about 1/4 inch-thick) and discard the ends.