Step Two. A few foods do wear this badge rightfully. We just mentioned matcha, a special green tea that definitely deserves the title superfood, whether official or unofficial. Drinking this beloved Japanese tea could be your new morning routine. Add 2oz hot water. Gently tap the sifter to sift the tea into the bowl.

Think of it as just adding water to tea. HOW TO PREPARE MATCHA GREEN TEA? Usucha is a thinner type of matcha tea. It is made from the highest grade of Gyokuro Japanese green tea. Place a sifter over a small tea bowl and measure out the matcha powder into it. To Clean the Matcha Scoop. Never get the bamboo scoop wet. High in antioxidants, Matcha green tea offers many great health benefits and calming effects. Grinding can take up to an hour to produce 30 grams of matcha. Matcha: The Japanese green tea that packs a considerable amount of caffeine and offers a calming sense of ritual. Sift 1-2 tsp matcha into a cup using a small sifter. Don’t worry about the steps too much. Step One. It’s up to you how much matcha you want but I go with the recommended 2 grams, or one and a half heaping scoops or one teaspoon. The finest shade-grown tea buds are plucked, the stems and veins are removed, and the leaves are carefully ground into a fine powder. using a bamboo whisk and tea bowl. This has allowed the term to be used liberally as a marketing buzzword, even where it doesn’t apply. It becomes intuitive over time. How To Make Matcha (Japanese Green Tea) 抹茶の点て方 . It can warp the scoop so that it flattens out the end.

Matcha is a powdered green tea that is typically used in the Japanese tea ceremony. How to prepare matcha tea, It describes good nutritional sources at best but doesn’t really have a scientific origin. Jump to Recipe Discussion. Learn how to make a perfect cup of matcha (Japanese Green Tea) at home! This will break up any clumps and give you a smoother matcha in the end. Preparing matcha this way is calming and centering ­ letting you take in the beauty of the moment. If you do not have a matcha scoop, measure out 1½ teaspoon (2 grams) of matcha.