Each day you will be eating between 1,200 and 1,500 calories. Woah. Create a custom 1900 calorie diet plan with 1 click. With that in mind, choosing foods high in fiber and containing lean protein and healthy fats ensures you’ll have a satisfying day, without going overboard on calories. 1500 calorie high protein meal plan I love coaching but have found that most clients have a hard time deciding on what to cook. It was so great to hear from all of you about how you incorporated it into your lives. Adding in protein to each meal and snack helps make it possible to eat fewer calories while still staying satisfied and full. As with any healthy diet, a 2,000-calorie diet should include whole, unprocessed foods like fresh produce, protein, and healthy fats. The amount of saturated fat is 55% of the total meal plan. This sample menu gives you an idea of what a delicious 1,800-calorie day looks like with some of MyFitnessPal’s best recipes. I am following a keto meal plan – are 1300 calories enough for me? Below is the nutritional breakdown for each meal set up by Hemant for the entire day. This Meal Plan includes Low Fat, Low Carb and On-The-Go Meal Plans. Here is one example of an 1,800-calorie meal plan high in protein: Breakfast: Two scrambled eggs with fresh veggies and an ounce of cheddar cheese (use olive oil spray in the pan — just a few quick sprays) One 7-ounce container of plain lowfat Greek yogurt with 1 cup of fresh blueberries; This 10-Day High-Protein Low-Carb Complete Meal Plan makes it easy to know exactly what to make for every meal throughout the day, and is designed to help you get lean and cut. Just take the 1900 plan and make a few modifications to it, plug it all into Myfitnesspal and it will calculate the calories, carbs, fat, protein. 23215. Now it's time to introduce you to our newest meal plan, the 1,800 calorie meal plan. 1700 Calorie Custom Meal Plans This Meal Plan is meant to be used for a full 30 days. With all the food items consumed during the day using this 1900-calorie meal plan, Hemant's total caloric consumption added to 1900 which is perfectly within the limit of this 1900-calorie meal plan. I prefer my clients to learn healthy habits and … Featuring the best foods for weight loss , the high protein, high fiber foods in this plan will help with weight loss by keeping you feeling fuller for longer. Total calories consumed in this dinner plan equals 1077. LOWFAT MEAL PLAN. Create a custom 1900 calorie High-Protein diet plan with 1 click. In this 1,500-calorie meal plan, high-protein foods (like salmon, chicken, edamame, eggs and chickpeas) fill the meals and snacks with healthy, high-quality protein, providing well over the minimum recommendation of 50 grams of protein per day. You can email me at david@symbioticfitness.com I offer close help with nutrition in my challenge groups but I require people to be on Shakeology to be in the groups.